How to care for calathea white fusion

Person holding a black pot of calathea white fusion plant

Calathea White Fusion is a stunning indoor plant that requires bright, indirect light, warm temperatures, and high humidity. White Fusion is easy to grow but can experience problems and pests if not properly cared for. This Calathea White Fusion care guide will help ensure you're providing this tropical plant with everything it needs to thrive. 


Calathea plants are popular house plants native to the tropical Americas and commonly called prayer plants. This impressive tropical plant has various varieties, but the Calathea White Fusion may be the most sought after. White Fusion stuns with marbled leaves in green, lilac, and white colors, with an underbelly tinted in a pale purple hue. It is a slow grower that makes a wonderful addition to any home. While the plant isn't difficult to care for, poor management can cause this stunning plant to fade, droop, wilt, and even die.

How to Grow Calathea' White Fusion' From Seed

Green and white leaves of calathea white fusion

Growing Calathea' White Fusion' from seed requires only a few easy-to-obtain items that most gardeners already have on hand. It is a simple process that can provide you with an abundance of 'White Fusion' seedlings.

Tools Needed to Grow Calathea White Fusion from Seed

  • Propagation trays or small pots
  • Coarse sand and peat moss or seed-starting mix
  • Water
  • Propagation tray cover or clear plastic

Step-by-Step Instructions to Grow Calathea White Fusion from Seed

  1. Calathea Fusion White seeds can be grown in propagation trays or small pots. For the best results, use an equal mixture of coarse sand and peat moss. You can also start them in seed-starting potting soil.
  2. Thoroughly moisten the soil and then fill the propagation tray or pot with the dampened soil.
  3. Press the Calathea White Fusion seed about 1 centimeter deep into the damp soil.
  4. Place the propagation cover over the tray or cover the pot with clear plastic. This helps to keep the seeds warm and humid.
  5. Set the seeds in indirect, bright light and keep the soil moist.
  6. Transplant the seedlings into individual pots when they reach about 4 centimeters high.

Care Guide for Calathea White Fusion

Furled calathea white fusion leaves

Calathea White Fusion loves moist soil, heat, and humidity, but it is also a bit finicky. Too much of the things it loves, the plant will begin to show signs of distress. Following the proper Calathea White Fusion care will ensure your plant thrives for many years to come. 

Calathea White Fusion Light

Well-ventilated living room with different kinds of indoor plants

The ideal lighting requirement for 'White Fusion' is indirect or filtered medium to bright light. Too little light, and the plant will have stunted growth and poor variegation development. Too much bright light can result in the Calathea plant leaves curling and faded variegation. Direct sunlight is most common in south-facing areas of your home, so avoid those areas. Instead, choose a north, west, or east-facing window. If you must place the plant in an area with intense sunlight, use a sheer curtain to help diffuse the light. 

Calathea White Fusion Temperature & Humidity

Black white thermometer installed on a wall

While Calathea Fusion White does prefer warmer temperatures, too high heat can cause issues for this plant. The ideal temperature for this plant is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It's also important to avoid extreme temperature fluctuations. If, for example, you have the heat set higher during the day but then turn it down or off at night, that sudden and drastic temperature change can cause the plant to go into shock. 

This prayer plant thrives at humidity levels of 75 to 85 percent. You can increase the humidity levels in your home with a humidifier. Another option is to place the plant's pot on top of a tray filled with small pebbles. When you water the plant, the water drains out into the tray. This keeps humidity around the plant without causing its roots to become waterlogged.

Watering Calathea White Fusion

Watering can pouring water on the garden

'White Fusion' needs soil that stays moist without being soggy. To check whether or not the plant needs water, insert your finger into the soil. It's time to water the plant when the top inch of its soil is dry. Use room temperature distilled or filtered water to hydrate the plant. To ensure it doesn't become waterlogged, the 'White Fusion' will need a pot that drains well. Avoid allowing the pot to drain into a collection plate as this can cause soggy roots, which leads to fungal problems. If the leaves become dusty, don't spray them with water as this can cause damage to the delicate leaves. Instead, simply wipe them off with a damp cloth. 


Green shovel with soil besides a garden pot

The best well-draining soil for Calathea White Fusion is a mixture of perlite, pear moss, vermiculite, sphagnum moss, and coco coir. High-quality potting soil will also work but may not provide the best drainage, vital for this peacock plant. Instead, create a mixture using the following ingredients: 

  • 2 parts perlite
  • 1 part pear moss
  • 1 part vermiculite
  • 1 part sphagnum moss
  • 1 part coco coir

Adding the extra part of perlite greatly improves the drainage of the soil and helps prevent a wide array of diseases and pests that affect the plant. Use this mixture whenever you transplant or repot the plant. It will help prevent the roots from becoming waterlogged. 


Two hands holding fertilized soil

It's not uncommon for people to overlook fertilizing their houseplants. And while it may not be seen as a necessity for someone, it will greatly improve the health and wellbeing of the Calathea White Fusion. Use a nitrogen-rich liquid fertilizer that is designed for house plants with dense foliage. Apply the fertilizer once a month during its growing period, from Spring until the Fall, to help promote growth. Stop all fertilizing in the winter when the plant's growth slows down. Follow the recommended usage rate on its bottle and never apply fertilizer before repotting for best results. 

Another option is to make your own fertilizer using composting food and organic waste. A kitchen composter, such as Lomi, is small enough to fit on your kitchen counter but has the power needed to help compost food and organic waste. Use this kitchen composter to help replenish Calathea's soil.


Lomi by Pela



Lomi allows you to turn food waste into plant-ready nutrients in under 24 hours. Boost your plants while reducing your waste.


Pruning Calathea White Fusion

Two pruning shears with scattered soil and stems

'White Fusion' can handle pruning well, and it can actually improve the overall health and wellbeing of the plant. Prune any dying, damaged, or dead leaves from the plant, and deadhead any faded blooms. Discard the leaves and blooms in the trash and avoid letting them sit in the plant's soil. Fallen leaves and blooms left to sit in the plant's pot can lead to diseases and pest issues. Use a clean pair of pruning shears and snip the damaged or dead leaf at the stem. Always thoroughly clean and sanitize the pruning shears after each use. This helps prevent the spread of infections and diseases.

Calathea White Fusion Propagation

Propagated roots on a rounded jar glass of water

Calathea White Fusion propagating is a simple process that benefits both you and the plant. It helps to maintain the size of the 'White Fusion' while increasing the number of Calathea plants you have. These plants also make great gifts for friends and family.

You will need the following tools to propagate the Calathea White Fusion:

  • Water
  • Pots with drainage holes
  • Natural unbleached coffee filters or paper towels
  • Potting soil (or a mixture of 2 parts perlite and one part each of pear moss, vermiculite, sphagnum moss, and coco coir)
  • Pruning shears
  • Clear plastic bags

Step-by-Step Calathea White Fusion Propagation Instructions:

  1. Water the Calathea White Fusion deeply the day before you are propagating. This reduces stress on the plants while also promoting recovery.
  2. Line the bottom of the pots you are using with a natural unbleached coffee filter. This will prevent the soil from falling out of the drainage holes while still allowing the water to properly drain from the pot. Paper towels will work if you don't have any unbleached coffee filters. 
  3. Fill each pot 1/3 full with potting soil. The ideal potting soil mixture is a combination of 2 parts perlite and one part each of pear moss, vermiculite, sphagnum moss, and coco coir.
  4. Carefully lay the parent plant on its side and gently slide the plant out of its pot. Make sure not to damage the leaves, stems, or roots of the parent plant. 
  5. Use your fingers to gently separate the plant's roots, looking for the root ball's natural divisions. Take care not to break any of the roots. Any diseases of damaged roots should be removed with pruning shears and discarded in the trash. 
  6. Once you have divided the mother plant, take the offspring plants and place each one root-side down in the soil.
  7. Fill the rest of the offspring's pot with soil. To help reduce stress on the young plants, fill the pot with the soil from the mother plant.
  8. Repot the mother plant using fresh soil—water the offspring and mother plant.
  9. Cover the offspring plants with clear plastic to mimic a greenhouse. Keep the bag in place until the offsprings start to sprout new growth.
  10. Care for the offspring plants in the same manner as you would the mother plant.

The ideal time to propagate your Calathea White Fusion is during the Spring when you are repotting the plant. Combining the two actions together puts less stress on the plant and minimizes disruption.

Calathea White Fusion Transplanting & Repotting

Woman putting soil on a black garden pot using a shovel

Calathea White Fusion can be repotted yearly to help keep it healthy and the soil replenished. Without repotting, the plant can become root bound, meaning the roots are dense and compact, which increases the chance of fungal infections. When transplanting and repotting, increase the plant's pot size by an inch or so. You can repot in just about any type of planting pot, including a terra cotta or plastic pot, as long as it has drainage holes. 

Two days before repotting, water the plant deeply to help reduce the amount of stress on the Calathea. When ready to repot, use a mixture of 2 parts perlite and one part pear moss, vermiculite, sphagnum moss, and coco coir for the soil. Once repotted, water the plant deeply and care for it as you normally would. To improve the nutrient content of the soil, the Lomi Kitchen Composter can help with the process. Lomi helps give the soil a boost of much-needed nutrients that can help keep your tropical plants healthy and strong. 


A white pot of Calathea White Fusion placed on a rounded white table

Calathea White Fusion is non-toxic and safe for kids, cats, dogs, and even horses, unlike so many other houseplants. So you don't have to worry if your little ones touch or nibble on the plant. With that said, it is still not advised to let children and pets ingest the stems or leaves because it could cause digestive issues, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Furthermore, the leaves of the 'White Fusion' are delicate, and children and pets can destroy them if they are not careful. That's just another reason to keep them away from this tropical plant. 

Pests and Diseases

The Calathea White Fusion is no stranger to pests and diseases, but the issues typically arise due to improper care. Most problems can be corrected with little lasting damage to the plant if caught early. 

Fungus Gnats and Other Pests

Fungus Gnats on a green leaf

Fungus gnats are a common issue due to the high humidity requirements for the Calathea White Fusion. These pests are more of an annoyance rather than a threat to the plant. With that said, you can easily get rid of them by spraying neem oil on the plant's leaves. Spider mites, mealybugs, scale, and aphids are a few other common pests that can attack all types of indoor plants, including Calathea White Fusion. Insecticidal soap and horticultural oil can be used to control these pests.

Fungal and Bacterial Infections

Green bacteria growing like fireworks

Overwatering the 'White Fusion' can result in fungal and bacterial infections. And since this plant needs higher humidity, overwatering can become a problem. The best way to prevent these infections is to avoid overwatering. Furthermore, getting the leaves wet can result in the bacterial infection known as Pseudomonas leaf spot. Unfortunately, there are no treatments for this disease, but it can be prevented by simply watering only the soil and not the leaves.

Root Rot

Closeup picture of plant root rot

Another common disease of Calathea White Fusion is root rot. This fungal disease stunts the plant's growth causes the leaves to be yellow and the base of the plant to rot. Plants with root rot will need to be repotted ASAP. When repotting, check the roots of the 'White Fusion' and snip off any brown rotted roots that you find. Repot the plant in a new pot, or thoroughly wash the old pot in soapy water before reusing. Add fresh soil to the pot, making sure it is loose, and then replant the 'White Fusion.'

Nutrient Deficiency

The 'White Fusion' can also experience nutrient deficiency. This issue typically presents itself as a dull leaf pattern, poor growth, or leaves with tips that curl or are brown. The best treatment for nutrient deficiency is to trim the damaged leaves and then repot the plant in fresh soil.

Leaf Holes

If your plant begins developing small holes in the leaves, that could be a sign that it is receiving too much fertilizer. Excessive fertilizer results in too much salt accumulating on the plant's foliage, which burns the leaves. Stop using the fertilizer for a bit and then remove the damaged leaves from the plant. However, if you see brown spots or holes on the leaves, that is a sign of spider mites. To get rid of these annoying pests, simply wipe the leaves down with a damp paper towel, removing any webbing you see.

Common Problems With Calathea' White Fusion'

Side peek of Calathea White Fusion leaves

Just as with any plant, Calathea isn't without its problems. Calathea leaves pointing up, and leaf pattern problems are just two of the issues that the 'White Fusion' can face. However, the good news is that most of this plant's problems can be avoided with the proper Calathea White Fusion care. 

Leaves Turning Brown

Overwatering is the main culprit of leaves turning brown or yellow. You can avoid overwatering by checking the soil before watering the plant. If the soil still feels damp or moist, the White Fusion doesn't require hydration. Wait until the soil starts to feel dry before watering again. Another reason why the leaves turn brown is if the plant is placed in direct sunlight or too close to a window. Simply move the plant out of direct light and away from windows in these instances.

Leaves Wilting or Drooping

If you're not properly watering the White Fusion, the leaves will start to wilt or droop. You may also notice the Calathea White Fusion leaves curling. To correct the problem, check the soil dampness regularly and water when it starts to feel dry. Furthermore, purchase a humidifier to increase the humidity level and provide the plant with the much-needed moisture. Remember, this plant needs a high humidity level of 75 to 85 percent for ideal growth. 

Leaf Patterns Disappearing

The more chlorophyll the plant gets, the more green the leaf becomes. And while this doesn't sound like a bad thing, on variegated plants such as 'White Fusion,' it means the plant is getting too much sun. This will result in its leaf pattern disappearing. Move the plant to an area with indirect or filtered light to remedy this problem. Never place the plant in direct or intense bright light as this will cause the leaf patterns to disappear and possibly burn the leaves.

What To Do When You First Get Your Calathea White Fusion

Calathea White Fusion on a basket pot placed on top of a white table

When you first get your Calathea White Fusion, you will need to ensure it has enough water. This will require sticking your finger into the plant's soil to check the dryness. If the top layer of soil is dry, water the plant thoroughly, making sure excess water drains out of the bottom of the pot. Distilled water works best for indoor plants, but you can also use tap water that has been sitting out overnight.

Once you have ensured the plant has water, select the location where the plant will be living most of its life. The ideal location is near an east-facing window that receives indirect or filtered light. The plant cannot have direct light as this can result in faded patterns and possible leaf burns. Furthermore, keep the plant away from areas where there are extreme temperature fluctuations. The plant requires a constant temperature of 60 to 80 degrees and a 75 to 85 percent humidity level. 

After you have decided on the perfect location for the White Fusion, regularly check the plant to ensure it is receiving the right amount of water and humidity and not getting too hot or too cold. Also, look for any signs of potential issues, such as Calathea leaves pointing up, leaf discoloration, or pests. If an issue does arise, take care of it immediately to help reduce irreversible damage to the plant. 


Calathea White Fusion does need a bit of pampering at times, and steering away from its requirements can leave you with an unhealthy plant. However, make sure you provide it with the right amount of water, heat, light, and humidity will result in a beautiful plant with dense, attractive foliage. If this Calathea White Fusion care guide has helped you, please share this guide with others.