More reasons to download the app

Earn rewards for using your Lomi
Earn 100 rewards points for connecting your Lomi to the app. Plus Lomi 2 devices earn 2x cycle rewards points for their first 30 days on the app.

Optimize your Lomi cycles
Learn more about your Lomi. Get access to guides, and frequently asked questions about Lomi.

Track your climate impact
Use the app to track how many pounds of garbage you've kept out of landfills by using Lomi.
Know when to change your Lomi's filters
Get important information on how and when to change your Lomi's filters to help it stay fresh and work at its best.
See what folks are saying about the Lomi app
Lots of information, and easy to use!
“Super user friendly app with all the tips & tricks I could ever need to help me get the most out of my Lomi! Way better than a typical manual, way easier to find information quickly”
Super clean, smooth app
“This app is so easy to use adn the FAQs are clearly listed. I love Lomi”
Amelia M
A game-changer for eco-conscious users
"This intuitive app allows users to track in real-time the amount of organic waste they’re diverting from landfills, offering tangible evidence of their positive environmental impact."
My Home Dojo